A short film was being produced to accompany the single, directed by Chris Boyle and starring Isy Suttie (Peep Show) and Shazad Latif (Spooks), and Emmy's idea was to have four single-page comics which would be released online in the week's leading up to the release of the video, and act as a prelude to the events of the film.
We came up with the outline for the comics together, with the idea that each comic should take place at a different period in the life of the character played by Isy Suttie in the film, and then I developed those ideas into the finished comics. In the week's leading up to the release of the single and the debut of the short film, the comics were released individually online across different music blogs and websites, together with four remix tracks to download. Each comic would feature a guest appearance by the artists that provided the remixes (Banjo Or Freakout, Dems, Dan Le Sac and CSS).

All of which leads into the events of the short film released alongside the God Of Loneliness single...
I enjoyed working on this project and it made me more confident about working on a longer comics narrative, which is definitely something I want to develop.
Watch this space!
This project made me develop my way of working, which was more involved than when I'm producing three panel comic strips. I did quite a lot of writing before I even started drawing, working out the narrative and where I could fit jokes within the story. Next I drew rough sketches of the comics to work out the layout of the page. I found it quite interesting to compare these sketches with the final comics, so thought I would include them here...