It's a funny time at the moment! This is the last week of my MA course before hanging our work for the Final Show and submitting all my work from the year. I've got my work printed and framed ready to hang, and have sorted out my portfolio (to an extent). I need to sort out my sketchbooks and drawings from the year, and am also working on a few last minute pieces to add to my portfolio.
I was thinking of something Jonny Hannah said to us when he came in to give a talk earlier in the year, about how it is good to incorporate your personal interests into your illustration work, so I thought I'd do a series of comic portraits of some of my favourite bands and singers, as I really enjoy music, going to gigs, and listening to my iPod when I'm doing my work.
Here's the first one, of my future wife Natasha Khan,
Bat For Lashes, complete with cricket bat and batman t-shirt...