Sunday, 10 January 2010

28 Comics Later... Day Six

So, today I got an email from my friend Julia to say that she'd arrived in Barcelona okay, except for a slight problem at one of the security checks because she had a spray for her dance shoes in her luggage, and that one of the security guys said she should dance to prove it was really hers. I didn't find out what happened then, but I like to think that it went something like this...


  1. :)))) Julia is one tough lady!!!!

  2. so she didn't dance in the end?

  3. She wasn't wearing the right shoes!

    ...but you knew that already, right? ;-)

  4. actually i thought about it, but after looking arround and see the security guys, i decided to dance just in my mind...
    but the fact is that now i need a new spray!!shiiiiit!!!

  5. Go Julia go! :) I love the purple tones!
