Back in March 2017, my friend Jo tagged me on Facebook nominating me to post a drawing every day for a week. As I already post a lot of drawings on Facebook (and because I like to make things difficult for myself), I decided to use it as a prompt for my own Drawing Challenge and asked people to suggest things for me to draw. I then did a new drawing based on these suggestions, and post these each day. Below are the suggestions along with what I drew:
1. "Spike"

2. "A rubber mallet suspended by a very unwound spring (chrome finish) attached to the bottom of half an upside levitating car that has been cut in half (horizontally, with half of the interior exposed at the top, looking almost like a grey, greasy city)"

3. "Boarding time at Noah's ark"

4. "Penguins going bowling"

5. "Trump in a bath robe as a vampire"

6. "Totoro/Toy Story tea party!"

7. "Samus Aran (Metroid) vs. Magik (New Mutants)"

The Illustrated Interview series in T: The New York Times Style Magazine asks the interviewees to sketch their responses to 9 brief questions rather than answering verbally. For this drawing challenge, I drew my own illustrated answers to those 9 questions each day. What I like about this one, is that there's no need to explain your "answers" and it's also quite challenging to first think of a reply and then work out how to draw it.
Q1. What do you look like?

Q2. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Q3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Q4. What did you eat for breakfast today?

Q5. What exercise do you regularly do?

Q6. Did you have a favourite toy growing up?

Q7. Which cartoon character do you relate to?

Q8. Do you have any pets?

Q9. What makes you smile?

Inktober is an annual project that was started in 2009 by Jake Parker. The idea is to produce 31 drawings over 31 days during the month of October. I've tried doing it in the past, with varying degrees of success and never really completing the project (usually because October ends up being a really busy month work-wise). In 2016 I illustrated 31 X-men-related puns, which I later turned into a printed zine called Uncanny X-Puns. This year I discovered, to my amazement, that there's actually an official prompt list each year consisting of words to use as a starting point for each day. So I decided to give it another go using this prompt list. Here are the results:
1. Swift


3. Poison

4. Underwater

5. Long

6. Sword

7. Shy

8. Crooked

9. Screech

10. Gigantic

11. Run

12. Shattered

13. Teeming

14. Fierce

15. Mysterious

16. Fat

17. Graceful

18. Filthy

19. Cloud

20. Deep

21. Furious

22. Trail

23. Juicy

24. Blind

25. Ship

26. Squeak

27. Climb

28. Fall

29. United

30. Found

31. Mask
(I ended up doing two drawings for this one. I drew the first one and then suddenly realised that October 31 was Halloween!)

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