Friday, 28 June 2013

It doens't rain, it pours...and then it's sunny...and after that it rains again...

So often in the last few weeks, I've woken up to bright sunshine and blue skies, only for torrential rain to start as soon as I step foot outside my house, with the sun deciding to make a return appearance once I get back inside.

Here's a comic I drew the other day that pretty much sums up my thoughts about the "English Summer"...

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Happy Father's Day!

My Dad still hadn't taken down the Father's Day card I made him last year. I resisted the urge to just give it to him again this year and made him a new card, pointing out that he could probably take down last year's card now... I'm so meta! :P

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Back to work!

It's been a while since I posted new work (I've been busy!), but here's a one page comic I drew the other week...

Happy Birthday Agustin

Yesterday was my friend Agustin's birthday and he decided very last minute to go for drinks in the evening, which didn't leave me much time to draw a card... but I managed!