I don't claim to know much about politics, but the more I hear from each of the candidates for the up-coming London mayoral election, the more I just think "Who are they kidding?". As with nearly all politicians in the lead-up to an election, they go around promising all kinds of things that they most likely can't deliver - cutting the cost of travel, a 24-hour tube service, free dinosaurs for the unemployed - but as soon as they get elected, all that is conveniently forgotten about. "I said what now?"
Anyway, all this led me to draw this cartoon depicting the three "main" contenders for the role of Mayor of London (Ken Livingstone, Boris Johnson and Brian Paddock) as balloons full of hot-air...
Anyway, all this led me to draw this cartoon depicting the three "main" contenders for the role of Mayor of London (Ken Livingstone, Boris Johnson and Brian Paddock) as balloons full of hot-air...

Happy voting!