Sunday 7 January 2018

Blog-Me-Do Part 6: Revenge of The Herd

Sometimes working as a Freelance Illustrator you can end up with some quite surprising jobs. This one rates pretty high in the "Wait! You want me to draw what?" categories.

In June last year I received an email from a woman in the US with a commission request. They wanted me to draw a cartoon for their kids' pediatrician in the style of The Far Side one panel comics. They were quite clear in what they wanted me to draw: the pediatrician walking down a dark alley, and a bunch of kids waiting to jab her with needles containing vaccines. The reason behind it was that her pediatrician had said that she experiences feelings of guilt when she is injecting vaccines and making children cry and jokingly commented that one day her kids may come back for revenge. The caption at the bottom of the picture: "Revenge of the Herd."

Initially, it seemed a bit of an odd request. Something about drawing a bunch of kids waiting to stick needles into someone walking down an alleyway seemed a little bit ...odd. But after reading my client's email explaining the story, it made more sense, and also it was an interesting challenge to draw without it coming off as too creepy. I think I succeeded...

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