I'm kicking things off with a homage to Bryan Lee O'Malley's awesome comic book series, Scott Pilgrim...

Scott Pilgrim seemed a suitable choice for this first installment as there's been quite a buzz online this week about the release of the latest trailer for the upcoming movie adaptation, directed by Edgar Wright (Shawn Of The Dead, Hot Fuzz).
But while I'm excited about seeing the film when it comes out in August, I'm possibly even more excited about the release of the final book in the series coming out in July. Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour is the sixth book in Bryan Lee O'Malley's excellent series of graphic novels. It's been among my favourite comics since I read the first volume in May 2004, and subsequent volumes have only made me love the series even more!
Finally, I should also mention that my drawing was loosely based on Jack Kirby's cover to Marvel's Fantastic Four #4.

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