Hmm... I've been neglecting my blog a little recently, and although I have been drawing here and there, I haven't really had anything to get my teeth into. Anyway, I thought I would take a moment to post a few bits and pieces I've done in the last few weeks...
First up, is a cartoon I drew for Clare, Emily and Aimee, who have gone off travelling for the next couple of months or more, going to New York, Las Vegas, New Zealand, Sydney, Melbourne, and quite possibly some other places I've forgotten...
I guess some explaination may be required... The first time I met Emily at my friend Clare's birthday, she somehow managed through the course of the evening, to end up with chewing gum on her arm, and somehow (which sort of escapes me now) my attempts to help out by removing the chewing gum, resulted in us both getting chewing gum stuck to us! This was my attempt to capture the experience, and combine it with the fact that they're off to Australia.
Why Aimee is dressed in her Halloween costume while on Holiday I can't really explain. It just seemed amusing to me...
I also did a special paint-by-numbers version for Clare after Emily alerted me to the fact that when Clare has loads of paint-by-numbers pictures in her house that she did when she was a kid.