Friday 2 January 2009

Colouring experiments





So I need to start work on my illustrated book for my part of my MA project. I wanted to try a new way of colouring my work to add some texture to my images. My normal way of working is to do my drawing by hand, scan it and then colour on the computer using Photoshop. While I like the effects I can create this way, I wanted to experiment with ways in which I can combine both the traditional methods of illustration and the computer-based elements.

I drew my line-art by hand using a black pen on paper, then scanned this (1), and then applied flat colour in Photoshop (2). Next, I took my original drawing, and put another piece of paper over it, and using a lightbox, applied shading using grey pens (3). Finally, I scanned this, and then added it as a layer to my Photoshop image, to create my final image combining both the hand-drawn and computer-based elements (4).

I'm pleased with how this looks, and want to develop it further as part of my MA project...

1 comment:

  1. i like the textured one more! keep experimenting! you can give it any look you want! :D
