Saturday, 20 July 2013

Happy Birthday Ivy

It was my friend Ivy's birthday last week, and today she had a slightly belated Birthday BBQ in London Fields. Here's a card I made for her with a drawing of her and her cat Socksy...

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Summertime Blues

I had the idea for this comic the other week with the sudden arrival of Summer in the UK, but hadn't managed to sit down and actually draw it until today...

This is (mostly) just a joke, and I'm very pleased that the sun has finally decided to make an appearance. Although I would like it to be just a little bit cooler...

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

When Di-NES-aurs Ruled The Earth

Today is the 20th Anniversary of the UK release of the film Jurassic Park. Yesterday was the 30th Anniversary of the Japanese release of Nintendo's Famicom console (which was later released in the UK as the Nintendo Entertainment System).

Here is a pictorial amalgamation of those two things...

Monday, 15 July 2013

Happy Birthday Mum!

Today is my mum's birthday and here's a card I drew for her...

Monday, 8 July 2013

Happy Birthday Miriam!

Today it was my friend Miriam's birthday. Here's a card I made for her...

Creative Project Catch-Up

My friend Cathy set up a Facebook group called Creative Project as a way of getting people to communicate their ideas, sketches, and creative process out in the open. Each month a quote, theme or word is posted with the aim to create something in response, be it photography, drawings, sketches, videos, music... literally anything creative!

I've been a bit slack on posting stuff to my blog recently, so I have a few previous submissions to share...

April's word was CLOWNS (tying in with April Fool's Day) and I decided to subvert the jolly clown image with a picture of an angry clown quoting Joe Pesci in Goodfellas...

Last month's topic was SPACE INVADERS. I had been planning to go and photograph some of the Space Invader street art around London, but then someone else beat me to it, doing the same thing in Melbourne, and after having to get the London Underground during the Rush Hour for the first time in ages and being crammed in amongst lots of angry, sweaty people, I decided on this sketch of (Personal) Space Invaders...

Happy Birthday Guthrie!

Yesterday it was my friend Guthrie's birthday, and he had a very sunny get together at his flat in the afternoon. Here's a card I drew for him, with a picture of Guthrie enjoying a joke and a drink (a good combination!)...

Happy Birthday Priscilla!

It was my friend Priscilla's birthday at the weekend, and inspired by a photo of her in fancy-dress as Edward Scissorhands, I drew a picture for her birthday of Priscilla Scissorfingers...

Happy Birthday Claudia!

Here's a card I drew for my friend Claudia's birthday the other week...

Happy Birthday x3

I like drawing birthday cards for my friends. I also like video games. So when I get to draw birthday cards for friends who like video games, everybody wins! And towards the end of last month I was able to do three video game-related birthday cards in the same week! *JOY*

Colette loves Nintendo and also Jurassic Park, so I drew a picture of her (in a Jurassic Park raincoat) riding a T-Rex through Super Mario World...

Katy recently wrote a review of the new Animal Crossing game for, as well as persuading me that I really should buy the game, so I drew a picture of her enjoying a sunny day in Animal Crossing...

And finally, here's a card for my friend Tom as the third Mario Brother... "Tomio", maybe?

That's all for now.


Sunday, 7 July 2013

Drawing in the Sun

The weather in London has seen a marked improvement in the last few days. Yesterday I decided to make the most of this upswing in atmospheric conditions and went for a walk along the river, along by the Globe and Tate Modern and up towards the Southbank and London Eye. On the way I stopped off and sat on the grass and did some drawing. Here's a sketch I did sat on the grass in front of Tate Modern, looking over to St Paul's Cathedral...

Monday, 1 July 2013

Happy Birthday Cristina

It was my friend Cristina's birthday at the weekend, and on Saturday night she had a garden party to celebrate, with cocktails, lights and "La Macarena".

Cristina recently posted the following photo online (by Miles Aldridge, who is having a retrospective exhibition at Somerset House starting next week)...

...and I thought it was the perfect image to use for drawing a birthday card! (Thankfully, no cocktails got poured on the floor during the night)...