Tuesday, 24 February 2009

See! My Diary Strips aren't made up!

So, today I did spend most of the day in the House cafe in Camberwell doing some drawing and catching up with people from my course. Here's a sketch I did of one of the people working there...

I like the effect of just using a limited amount of colour on my sketch, and will try some more drawings using this style...

Monday, 23 February 2009

23/02/09: Paul's Amazing Technicolour Pen Set

Now that my Research paper is finished (and handed in!), I can get back to doing more drawing! To celebrate, I bought myself a new set of colouring pens, and decided to combine testing them out with producing my comic strip for today...

Saturday, 21 February 2009

21/02/09: Research Paper R.I.P.

So, I've missed drawing a strip for the last couple of days - I was having to knuckle down and finish off my Research Paper. Now that it's all done and dusted, I hope to get back to producing a new strip each day...

(...I actually finished writing yesterday, but didn't have time to draw about it till today)

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Happy Birthday part 4

Another day, another birthday, this time for Aine "Arnie" Cassidy and her amazing orange hat...

Zombie/Bling Printmaking Party

Last night I went to a party. Huzzah! There was a combination Zombie/Bling theme, so – by way of a costume – I drew a picture of me as a zombie (with screenprinting slidey thing... I don't know the techinical name), and put it on a t-shirt using some transfer paper I had...

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

11/02/09: Art Stinks!

I wanted to try something different today, combining photography with my drawing. I think it's an interesting effect, and would like to experiment more...

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Happy Birthday part 3

Yet another birthday card I made for a friend. She's well into photography, and I tried to do something a little bit different, having the cake out of the frame, but reflected in the lens of the camera.

Happy Birthday part 2

Another birthday card I made for one of my friends who has a guinea pig that she loves! I used an ink brush pen to draw this to get the right look for the fur...

Happy Birthday part 1

A birthday card I made for a Japanese friend. The writing on the right says Happy Birthday in Japanese - thank you, Internet! I enjoyed using the limited colour palette, and am happy with the end result...

08/02/09: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These

I was busy working on my Research Paper yesterday and then went out in the evening to a party and didn't get in until 4, so I missed out on creating a comic strip yesterday. Today I've been very tired and trying (and failing) to do my Research Paper, but managed to do a strip! Some of the images in my dream relate to things that happened over the weekend, and others are just random things that cropped up in my head while I was sleeping. I'm trying to just use felt pens to colour these strips and am enjoying the challenge of trying to create different tones and colours using only a limited medium...

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

03/02/09: Bad. Bad. Bad. Good!

Day two of my experiment with producing a daily comic strip. One thing I'm doing with these is abandoning any preliminary drawing and going straight in with a black pen. Initially some of the perspecive and forms may be a bit off, but I'm hoping that by doing it this way, it will improve my drawing in the long run, as well as give the strips a spontaneous feel. Time will tell...

Monday, 2 February 2009

02/02/09: Snow Days

A quick comic strip I produced about the day's events. I'm looking at the daily sketchbook diaries of James Kochalka as part of my research paper for my MA, and it's inspired me to have a go at it myself. This is my first entry...