Sunday 13 September 2009

It's a nice day for a white wedding!

So yesterday was my friend Laura's wedding, and was a beautifully sunny day, with not a cloud in the sky! Here is the wedding card I drew for her and her new husband Callum, also featuring their absolutely adorable dog Pippa, who was not at the wedding, but this is my idea of what it might have been like if she was there...

I spent quite a while trying to come up with an idea, before finally reaching a Eureka! moment and doing a quick thumbnail sketch...

...then I drew up a pencil rough to size...

It then struck me that although in my head I was sure that Laura had mentioned that Callum would be wearing a kilt to the wedding, the more I thought about it, the less certain I became. I sent a quick email to Laura to check (which probably sounded very strange: "Hi. Yeah, I was just your future husband planning on wearing a kilt to the wedding? Bye!"), and she replied slightly curious, to say that he had been planning it, but then decided against it! Good job I checked so I was able to change my drawing before I finalised it.

I then used a dip pen and black Indian ink to draw the final version onto card...

...before adding colour by hand using marker pens and using a metallic silver Sharpie pen on the lettering for a bit of razzmatazz...

I was torn for a while over whether to leave it like this, or to add a background to make it more complete. I sort of liked the white space, but also felt it was maybe a bit too empty. As you can see from the final version at the top of the page, I eventually decided to add a quite minimal background just to give the image more a semblance of space and setting. I drew this using a fine liner pen rather than ink to make it visually move back from the main image.

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